Monday, May 23, 2005


Good things:
--interview tomorrow
--not wanting a new job
--getting out of that wretched martketing gig
--getting JIS on board*
--having a kick-ass resume (I think)
--the way my sweetie has been making things smooth pour moi
--having the night alone to fret

Not such good things:
--falling out of my yoga routine
--worrying about the future more than usual
--worrying more than usual
--disturbing dreams about people I used to know
--being a little out of touch with my two best friends (who are both going through major stuff right now)

Question of the day:
If someone told you that you could have
anything you wanted, what would you say?**

* more on this later (when it's safer to discuss)
** the answer is not a raincheck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A: Peace of mind.

9:25 AM  

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