Thursday, May 05, 2005


It's 05/05/05. Doesn't that seem somehow special and important? Even if it isn't.

I've had a few friends who were into astrology and numerology and the significance of certain days. My best friend is sort of into astrology. Although if you ask her, she'll absolutely say she's not. Anyway, she used to have a book (I think that's it) about what it means if you are born on a certain day. My day was about all about darkness and secrets. Very heartening. I once dated a man who was into signs and numbers and stars and whatever. Whenever we fought, he would say it was my "scorpio nature" coming out. Needless to say, that never helped the argument. Once we were in the country (New Yorkers say "the country" to mean outside of New York. It's hilarious. I love it.) and he noticed that our sandy-haired server at this cozy little place in Lenox was especially patient. He asked her sign. I wanted to hide under the table at this point. She told him, and he turned to me and said, "See?" I had a feeling I was going to end the relationship right then and there. I did a month or so later. Must have been my scorpio nature.

My horoscope today:
"Give whatever you are working on your very best effort. The fewer people you have around to disrupt your accomplishments, the better. Satisfaction will be yours if you focus on something creative."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My horoscope today:

Despite changing your number a dozen times, you’ll continue to get late-night phone calls from Owen warning you not to come sniffin’ around his women.

Obviously I have little patience for people such as this ex. Grasping at convenient answers simply because one is afraid to say "I don't know" is the hallmark of a small mind.

3:47 PM  

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